Muslims from Adelaide, Australia, can easily find updated prayer times from this website. The website provides updated Islamic prayer times in Adelaide according to each day and always follows the accurate times for sunrise and sunset.
Although Islam is still a minority religion in Australia, with Christianity being the majority religion, the Muslim population in Adelaide is increasing with each passing day, and the Muslims in Adelaide, Australia, maintain a connection with each other by gathering at different events as well as performing prayers according to prayer times Adelaide. Other than that, they ensure they are there for each other in hard times. No matter where they are initially from, they always maintain a connection with each other because of their religion, Islam..
Prayers in Islam connect Muslims worldwide in one bond, keeping them united under one common belief. Muslims in Adelaide can perform their prayers together in congregations in different mosques around the city, as all these mosques follow prayer times in Adelaide..
Five compulsory Muslim prayers are Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha. However, some other prayers are not compulsory for all. Muslims will be asked for their prayers on the day of judgment, as prayer is given much importance in Islam. Muslims follow their time zones to say these prayers, just like Muslims in Adelaide perform their prayers according to prayer times in Adelaide.
Adelaide, Australia Prayer Timing Calculation
Country: Australia
City: Adelaide
Standard Time Zone: UTC/GMT +9:30 hours
Daylight Saving Time (DST): +1 hour
DST Between: 5th October to 6th April
Geographic Coordinates Of Adelaide, Australia
Latitude: 34.9285° S,
Longitude: 138.6007° E
Famous Muslim Prayer Conventions Methods
- MWL: Muslim World League,
- ISNA: Islamic Society of North America
- Egypt: Egyptian General Authority of Survey.
- Makkah: Umm al-Qura University, Makkah
- Karachi: University of Islamic Sciences, Karachi.
- Tehran: Institute of Geophysics, University of Tehran.
Other Cities Islamic Prayer Times
Muslim Prayer Times Adelaide, Australia 2025
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Asr Methods
Standard: Shafii, Maliki, Jafari and Hanbali (shadow factor = 1)
Hanafi: Hanafi school of tought (shadow factor = 2)